Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where we come from...

Campbell has been able to meet lots of new friends and family lately! The first picture above includes 5 generations, not many people have a picture like that! The people in the picture are Campbell, myself, my mother (Grammy), my great uncle (Bebo, he is my grandmother's brother. She passed away 3 months before Campbell was born so Bebo is the link in chain for our 5 generations), and my 96 year old great-grandmother (Gigi). The second picture is of Campbell, Brett, Brett's father, and Brett's grandfather. He also got to meet my sweet friend Whitney and her mom! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family that loves us all so much! We have spent a lot of time with the grandparents lately which is wonderful help! The 3 of us went to Senatobia the weekend before last to spend the night while Gigi, and Davie Leigh were in town. Brett and I woke up Saturday morning and went to Oxford to spend the day. It is still hard to leave Campbell even when I know he is in good hands. I think about him constantly and wonder if he is missing me, I'm sure he is because I am his favorite person in the world :) While in Oxford we went to the basketball game, ate lunch at Ajax, had a drink at the library, and did a little shopping on the square. It was torture to be shopping on the square again! I still have a good ways to go to get my pre-pregnancy body back and seeing all those beautiful clothes was very depressing knowing that I can't wear them like I used to. But I am sooo determined to lose all this baby weight plus some! It will take hard work and time but it WILL happen, I keep telling myself that. We went this past weekend to Clarksdale because Brett was in a wedding. It was a really fun weekend! We had the rehearsal dinner on Friday night and stayed out a little too late. It is a mighty exhausting to stay out late and come home to stay awake with a crying baby. We can't complain about being tired though when we choose to stay out late! Brett and I went to the woods Saturday and rode the 4-wheeler. I think he really wanted me to go with him so I could throw the corn out though. Saturday night was the wedding and we went to Ground Zero afterwards for some dancing! Two fun weekends!!

Campbell is changing and growing up so fast! It makes me sad, he will be going off to college before we know it. I have taken him to the pediatrician almost every week he has been alive now. His doctor summed it up very nicely, he said "Parent and paranoid do begin with the same letters." I have definitely become paranoid since I have been a mother! Much more so than I have ever been about myself. Every time I have had a concern we go to the doctor to find out that everything is perfectly fine. Better safe than sorry! He is smiling and cooing and almost laughing a lot now. His voice is the sweetest sound ever. Brett swore he almost said a word the other night when he was up with him. That might have been Brett's lack of sleep talking. We have not been able to get on any sort of schedule whatsoever. Some nights he will sleep from 10-4, and some nights I don't get him to sleep until 5 in the morning. I want to be able to remember all of these precious memories we are making together. I can't believe he will be 2 months old already tomorrow!

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