Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I love my baby!

Things I love about my baby:
- I love his mohawk hairdo. It is always the first thing people comment on. It is precious. My little rock star!
- I love his toothless, exposed gums, mouth wide open smile. The most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
- I love his sweet voice. We spend lots of time every day laying beside each other both of us cooing back and forth. (I read to imitate the noises he makes to encourage him to "talk" to me. I know I sound silly but he doesn't mind)
- I love his frowny face. It is so funny when he makes the biggest frown right before he shows off his powerful lungs.
- I love his hairy wrinkly back and shoulders. Hence the picture above.
- I love how long his eyelashes have gotten. He had no trace of lashes when he was born, but I promise I can see them get longer each day.
- I love how hilarious he is when he is going #2. His face turns as red as a tomato and I can hear him grunt from the other end of the house. (Only his mom would think this is funny)
- I love taking naps with him laying on my chest.
- I love how I am the person that seems to calm him down quicker than any other person. Must be a mother's touch.
- I love seeing him with his daddy. He gets more kisses from his dad than I do now!
- I love how all his toes are so skinny except for his big toe seems really big compared to the others! He gets that from me unfortunately.
- I love how he stretches so big when he wakes up and arches his back into a backbend and wrinkles his forehead all up. We have got to get this on video. Priceless.
- I love how he seems the most content when he is naked. He could lay there all day on his changing pad in his birthday suit and be perfectly happy.
- I love how he floats in the bathtub. I hold his head when I bathe him and the rest of his body floats.
- I love everything about him! I could go on and on and on but I will stop for now :)

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