Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Well it has been a few weeks since I have posted. This little munchkin keeps me mighty busy! He is still quite fussy, but we are hoping that he will out grow that soon. Since my last post he has discovered his tongue, constantly sticking it out and blowing bubbles, discovered his thumb, gotten much better at holding his head up during tummy time, and has rolled over several times except for when we get the camera out! It is amazing how fast he is discovering new things and changing. There is nothing sweeter than the innocence of a baby. As excited as I am to see Campbell grow up and for him to talk to us and begin playing with us, part of me wishes I could keep him this small and innocent forever. He is totally dependent on his dad and me to care for him and protect him. There will come a day though when we are not able to protect him from all the world has to throw at him. I pray every day that we will be able to teach him to be a Godly young man and how to handle the obstacles of life. We both have been blessed with great teachers on how to be parents so hopefully we can do as good a job as they have. I wish I could keep him from ever falling down and skinning his knees, from getting teased at school, and getting his heart broken. I know those things will happen and he will be stronger because of them. I just hope that he will always know he can come to his mom and dad for anything and know how much he is loved.
One update on my side is I might be starting work soon! I am very reluctant to write that with an exclamation point though. I know I need to start working, and I know Brett will be thrilled for me to finally contribute to our finances! Although, I must admit I cried all day last week after I found out there was a potential job for me to start soon. Not because I don't want to work, but the thought of leaving him with strangers in a day care leaves a pit in my stomach right now. He has spent 99% of his life with me so far and I know he will be fine without me for a few days a week but part of me pictures him crying all day because he misses me and being mad at me when I pick him up in the evening. (I know that is silly and he won't really be "mad" at me or cry because he misses me all day, but I guess that is just the extra worry that goes along with being a mother.) So we will see what happens with this soon!
We are leaving in 2 days to go to Dallas with my parents for Campbell to meet his Uncle Slates and Aunt Whitney! He loves his carseat so hopefully the ride will be easy. After this trip the next time we see them I will have a sweet nephew, Slates junior! I can't wait! Brett is also going out of town and it will 9 days before we see him again. I am not looking forward to that at all! It is time for me to feed my sweet boy now. I will update on how the trip to Dallas goes next week!

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