Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Campbell --> Sleep Deprived Mama

I forgot what the definition of sleep is on January 6! What you see happening in the picture above, a baby sleeping, has not happened tonight for sure! Campbell made the decision that we were not going to sleep tonight. I was finally able to crawl in bed around 3 this morning. He decided I had had enough sleep at 4:30. So here we are at 5:29 watching Married With Children reruns and feeding this precious baby hoping he will fall asleep in the process with a full and satisfied tummy. 2-3 hours of sleep would be great! It's funny (not literally) how my perception of a good night's sleep has changed so quickly. I love sleep. Up until 6 weeks ago I enjoyed getting 10 hours of sleep a night, and maybe 1-2 hours more on a really good night! Now I am thrilled to get a total of 5 hours in 2 hour increments. Though as much as I love my sleep and almost have to hold my eyelids open the majority of the time now, I do enjoy every minute I'm awake with Campbell. Even at 5:00 in the morning after only 1 hour of sleep. I know that I will wake up one day and he will be too old and big for me to hold in my arms. Mothers have survived on little to no sleep for as long as man kind has been in existence, so I know I can do it too! "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can," as the little red engine said. But I do daydream about the day when I get to sleep through the night.

Today is Ash Wednesday. It is also Campbell's 6 week birthday! I can't believe how old he is already! He had his first date last night. With an older woman! We went to Abuelo's with Drew and Elizabeth Doughty and their precious 19 month old daughter Anne Reeves. He wasn't too exciting of a date for her though. He slept through the whole thing! We have been lucky so far with each of his outings. His car seat puts him to sleep the entire time we are out. Our first date out was to On the Border 2 weekends ago and it has never felt so good to get out! He slept in his car seat in the booth with us and it was very enjoyable. He went to his fist party on Valentine's Day eve at Briana and Drew Cowan's home. I was nervous taking him since we are the only couple that was going to be there with a baby. I wanted him to behave so bad so we would be invited next time. He was a perfect angel! He slept on Briana's bed the entire 3 hours we were there. It was a great evening. Briana is really good at entertaining. She had balloons blown up everywhere, red table cloths on the tables, white tulips as centerpieces, and mini bottles of champagne at each seat with a heart shaped name tag on it. Too cute! I know it won't be like this every time we take him somewhere though, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

It is now almost 6:00 and he is asleep so I am going to call it a night and try to get some shut eye myself! Good night!

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