Sunday, December 2, 2012


We just returned from a fun filled weekend spent in Madison, MS. My brother and his family recently moved from Dallas to Madison. We are all so excited to have them closer! Campbell and his cousin Slates are especially excited to be closer to each other! It makes me so happy seeing how much they love and enjoy each other even at such a young age and having lived 8 hours apart for their entire lives up until now. The weekend was full of sweet laughter, singing, and all things boy. We took the boys ice skating Saturday. It was hysterical. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at Brett and Campbell trying to ice skate. Campbell could not even stand up, his little feet were slipping right out from under him the whole time. They didn't stay on the ice too long. There was also a big slide made from ice that they went down on an intertube. It went really fast. Campbell said he didn't like ice skating because it was too slippery and the slide went too fast. I told him I was proud of him for trying it though. Maybe they were a tad too young. We let the boys watch a movie in Slates and Whitney's room while we ate dinner Saturday night. We noticed they had been quiet for a little too long. When Slates went to check on them the bedroom door was closed and Whitney's closet door was closed. They had gone in her closet, climbed on her step ladder and pulled off around 20 pairs of shoes. Campbell was walking around wearing some gold Tory Burch flats and Slates was wearing a pair of black heels. They were so proud of themselves! It was quite comical. I can only imagine what these boys will get into over the years! I was sad to leave them when the weekend was over but we will get to see them next weekend for Campbell's birthday party!

We have so much to do over the next month that I don't even know where to begin preparing! We sold our house! YAY!! The closing date is January 3. My due date is the last week of December. Brett starts his new job in Oxford in 1 week. So we must pack up our house in the next couple of weeks while I am weeks away from having a baby. Scary! I had an ultrasound at my doctor's appointment Friday 11/30 and baby looks great! He weighed in at an estimated 5 lbs 7 oz and has his head super low preparing for D-day. I feel like I am alot more uncomfortable this time than I was with Campbell. It will all be worth it though when we meet our newest family member. I can not wait to have another little guy to bring us so much joy and happiness. Campbell is going to be so great with him!

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