Friday, November 16, 2012

Busy busy busy

Haloween 2012

Halloween 2011

Ole Miss vs Texas 2012

There is no better word to describe our lives right now than BUSY! Not that having an almost 3 year old, working, being in graduate school, and preparing for a new baby wasn't enough. We have decided to put our house on the market and move to Oxford! Brett is starting a new job on December 10, a mere few weeks before the baby is due. We are so excited and have wanted to move to Oxford for some time now. The timing of all of this isn't ideal, but it will work out! My last day of work will be December 5, yay! That will give me a few weeks to spend with Campbell before his baby brother arrives. The only thing that is making this move hard is thinking about Campbell leaving his friends he has been in daycare with his whole life. Even at his young age he and his friends are so attached to each other. Especially Sam and Campbell. They are "best friends like Lightening McQueen and Mater" in their words. I pray Campbell will find friends like this when we move. I am worried about how he will handle all the big changes coming up in his little life. New home, new friends, new baby. That's a lot for anyone, especially a 3 year old! 3 YEAR OLD! I can't believe my baby is almost 3! Parenting is truly the greatest gift God can give someone. Although it is the hardest thing I'm sure we will ever do, it is so rewarding and worth it. We love Campbell and his brother to be more than we ever thought it was possible to love someone. Campbell is still so so excited to meet his brother. A day doesn't go by where he doesn't stop to "hug his baby brother and give him a kiss". He is going to be the best big brother! I can not wait to see what God has in store for us as a family raising these 2 boys! Campbell has been informing me lately that Daddy does everything better than Mommy and Daddy is his favorite, not Mommy. Daddy makes better squirrel noises, does a better race car, and sings better than Mommy. If he only remembered that when he wakes up in the middle of the night and only wants Mommy! Campbell loved his first time really celebrating Halloween. He and Sam both wore their t-rex costumes they wore last year. Sam and his mom came over and we went trick or treating around our house. They loved it! Next week is Thanksgiving. The time is flying by!This sweet baby will be here in less than 2 months, yikes! I hope I can handle being a mommy to 2! We are still trying to decide on a name. Veazey is the top contender at the moment. We shall see!

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