Friday, October 19, 2012

Let's try this again

It has now been a full 2 years since I have posted on my blog. There is no way I could update on everything that has happened in these amazing 2 years that have gone by in the blink of an eye. Campbell is growing up so fast and I am realizing how I will not be able to remember each memory how I would like to. So I am going to try again at blogging so I will have somewhere to document all these priceless moments with my family!

I began nurse practitioner school August 2011 and will finish December 2013. I am still working part time as well as going to school. It has been somewhat of a challenge balancing all the different roles of school, work, being a wife, a mother, and still having a little time to take care of myself. Sometimes I feel like I might drown and am not doing any of those things as well as I would like to. I guess that is part of what people call a mothers guilt. We went to Disney World this past summer, the end of April. When we got to Florida we were excited to find out we were expecting another precious baby! Disney was so much fun, especially seeing the excitement in Campbell's eyes! We met my family in Watercolor, Florida the next week. It was an amazing 2 week vacation! I went to the doctor when we returned to Memphis. Our due date was set for January 8, 2013, the same day Campbell was due! Later ultrasounds showed HIM measuring 2 weeks ahead which would give us a due date of December 25, 2012. We are so excited to be welcoming another precious baby boy into our family. Campbell can't wait to play with his "baby brother" and already talks about playing in the mud with him in his Crocs and teaching him to play golf. I am now 30 weeks pregnant, not much longer! This pregnancy is flying by. Probably because my days are spent playing football, golf, soccer and other activities with my very active 2 1/2 year old. Campbell likes to hug and kiss my tummy because he says his baby brother likes when he does that.

Campbell is the most amazing thing that has every happened to us and I can not wait to have another little boy to love as much as I do Campbell. Campbell is still loving his daycare class at Christ Methodist. His best friends are Sam, Ella Rose, and Eleanor. He and Sam share the same birthday and Sam's last name is Lowry and Campbell's middle name is Lowrey. They were destined to be friends. Campbell's diet consists of chocolate milk, mac and cheese, chicken, pizza, fruit, yogurt, peanut butter crackers, and yogurt covered pretzels. Most of the time you could really care less if you ate at all. You weigh 30 pounds and are around 3 feet tall. You are very athletic. You love playing every sport we have introduced you to. You are so smart! Some of the questions you come up with amaze me. A couple questions from this past week that come to my mind are "Who made God?" "Did God climb a ladder to put the stars there?" and "Did God go under water to put the fish in the ocean?" We began potty training on Septmber 26 and you conquered it like a champ! I am so proud of you! Your look so cute in your big boy undies too :) Although, being in underwear has given you more access to explore your private area. Little boys are intrigued by this new "toy" I have been told. You have asked me what are the "balls" in there moving around and does your tee tee live in that hole. You want to spend most of your time at home naked. Everyday when your daddy gets home from work you are waiting to wrestle with him. It is music to my soul to hear the two of you laughing and playing together. What fun it will be to have 2 little boys and 1 big boy living in my house! You are so very sensitive, I'm afraid that you get that from me. Last night when I came home from work you ran up to me so excited and proud saying "Mommy come look at the tiger I drew!! I drew a tiger!" I followed you in the living room where your art table was and asked if your tiger was on the napkin you were drawing on. You said no and pointed to the couch where you had drawn striped all along the arm of the couch with a black marker, making it your tiger. They were very straight evenly spaced stripes! I proceeded to tell you in a very calm voice that we don't draw on furniture, only on paper. You were crushed, and therefore so was I. I wanted to tell you how creative I thought you were and that I loved the tiger you drew. You cried hysterically for 15-20 minutes screaming "I want to ride my tiger I want to ride my tiger!" Once you finally calmed down and I had scrubbed the stripes off as good as I could, I told you that it was a pretty good tiger and I let you ride it. I secretly cried on the way to work this morning thinking about how excited you were to show me your tiger and I had burst your bubble. Parenting is by far the most challenging thing I have ever done, and I know the challenges we face as parents will only get harder. I wish we could keep you young and innocent where we could protect you from this world. We pray for you every day. You have completely stolen my heart and I still melt every time I hear your voice and your sweet laugh. I can not wait to see how wonderful you will be to your little brother.
This mama is tired and ready for some sleep. To be continued... I promise!
Your first day of potty training!

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