Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am a bad blogger

I bet anyone that ever looks at my blog assumed that I had given up on it. My last post was May 24. That was 1 week before I started work. Since then I have been extremely busy and on my days off spend them playing and taking naps with my baby boy. He is growing up way way way too fast! He is now 8 1/2 months old. He crawls all over the house and stays at my feet if I try to walk out of the room. He greets us in the morning by standing up in his crib and waiting on us to come get him. He is really the sweetest little thing I have ever seen. (I know every mother says that) I love his personality! He is so happy, which I really wondered if I would ever say that during the first couple months of his life. Campbell sleeps great most nights, from 8:00 to around 6:00. His first 2 teeth came in at 6 months and now the top ones are coming through. It looks like all 4 on top might be coming in. It sure would be nice to get those over with at the same time! His laugh is the sweetest sound I've ever heard! It has defintiely been an adjustment since I've started working. I work 3 days a week from 6:45 to 7:15. I don't get to see my family much on those days which is really hard, but it is so nice to have a nice break in between my working days. The first 2 weeks of work were so hard on me taking Campbell to daycare. I cried every day. He is now at Christ Methodist day care in Memphis which is close to our house so Brett is able to take him and pick him up. He is such a great daddy and is so in love with Campbell. It is obvious how crazy Campbell is about his daddy too. Some of his firsts since my last blog ages ago include: trip to the beach in Pensacola, Florida; first experience in the grove in Oxford; first trip to the zoo; meeting his new cousin Slates; eating fruits, veggies, and some finger foods; standing up; crawling; says "baabaa" and sometimes it sounds like "byebye"; he has friends at daycare, he loves the little girls and playing with their hair! Already a ladies man! I am going to really try to get serious about this and update once a week. I want to be able to remember everything that is happening in our lives right now. It is such a wonderful time in our lives with so many blessings from God every day.

The picture above was taken today when Campbell woke up from our nap :) Sweet baby

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