Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome Veazey!

Welcome to the world my precious Veazey Dyre Soldevila! You made your grand entrance on Saturday December 29 at 1:19 in the afternoon. You weighed 7 lb 12 oz and were 20 3/4 inches long. You are beautiful and perfect in every way! Head full of dark hair just like your big brother, except yours goes all the way to your eyebrows and long sideburns. Your cheeks are full and I'm pretty sure you are going to have big brown eyes like the rest of us. I began having irregular contractions off and on on Friday and felt pretty sure you were coming this weekend. Your sweet daddy had already coordinated with Gimmy for her to keep Campbell so we could go on our last date while living in Memphis. He took me to a delicious dinner at Folk's Folly. My contractions continued during the night. I decided to time them around 3:30 Saturday morning. After 1.5 hrs of them being 5 minutes apart I decided to get your daddy up and start getting ready to head to the hospital to meet you! We arrived to the hospital at 6:50. By this point I was having a hard time breathing through the contractions. The anesthesiologist wasn't available to come do my epidural until 10:00. Lets just say tests were shed in the mean time from the intense contractions. Gimmy, Annie, granddaddy and Daddy were here at this point. We finally got to a room around 11:00. Things progressed pretty quickly. By 12:30 it was go time! I finally heard that beautiful cry of yours at 1:19. The joy of experiencing love at first sight again! Papa and uncle Derek arrived to meet you shortly after. I was surprised that you were bigger than Campbell. Your feet seemed so long and you have long skinny fingers. Campbell came to meet his baby brother that afternoon. My heart was complete having my three boys together. Campbell has not stopped kissing and loving on you since first seeing you. His favorite things to say about you are "he's so tiny, he's so little, look at his little hands, feet, ears, etc..." He can't stand it when you cry. He comes up to you and kisses your head and says in his sweetest voice "it's okay baby brother, it's okay." He said that he will protect baby brother from anything scary and he will scare and get mad at the scary things. I know you will, my brave superhero. Even though Campbell is in awe of Veazey, I can tell he is fighting for extra attention too. Not that he's not getting plenty since we are now living with Gimmy and granddaddy. Campbell has told me a couple times that he doesn't love me anymore, which I can handle because I know it isn't true. One night after I told you I love you your reply was no you don't mommy, you love someone else now. Talk about breaking my heart every time I think about it! You are right that I do love someone else now, but not with the love I have for you. My heart opened up a door to a whole new room of love for your baby brother. You both have my heart. You and your daddy are everything to me. I don't know why I am so blessed.

Veazey is now 5 days old. He is such a sweet, calm baby who loves to eat and sleep. You are sleeping in my arms as i type. Most of our nursing sessions are spent with Campbell climbing in my lap too to give you kisses. I am in heaven with both of you close to me. Up until now Campbell has been my 'baby', even though he isn't technically a baby anymore. He still seemed so small to me. Now he seems so big and grown up. He seems twice as heavy, his hands seem bigger when I hold them, his head seems bigger and even a little harder if that makes any sense. He is a little boy. I am having a hard time dealing with this realization I have had to face. My boys are and will grow up fast. I asked Campbell to always be my little boy and he said "but mommy I have to grow." Yes you do baby. And before I know it your brother will be as big as you too. But to me you both will always be my little babies. Your daddy mentioned tonight how he doesn't want t forget any of these moments with the two if you. From holding and rocking Veazey while he is in dreamland, to the smell of his sweet baby breath, to the endless amounts of energy from Campbell and the hours spent tonight throwing the basketball up the stairs and watching it bounce back down. We wish we could capture your innocence and the feeling we get when surrounded by you both and experience this perfect harmonious feeling forever.

Time to try and get some more zzz's, daddy and Campbell are waiting in the bed upstairs for me to snuggle and time for you to get back in your bed little bit.  I will upload some pictures once downloaded on the computer. Goodnight!

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