Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Well it has been a few weeks since I have posted. This little munchkin keeps me mighty busy! He is still quite fussy, but we are hoping that he will out grow that soon. Since my last post he has discovered his tongue, constantly sticking it out and blowing bubbles, discovered his thumb, gotten much better at holding his head up during tummy time, and has rolled over several times except for when we get the camera out! It is amazing how fast he is discovering new things and changing. There is nothing sweeter than the innocence of a baby. As excited as I am to see Campbell grow up and for him to talk to us and begin playing with us, part of me wishes I could keep him this small and innocent forever. He is totally dependent on his dad and me to care for him and protect him. There will come a day though when we are not able to protect him from all the world has to throw at him. I pray every day that we will be able to teach him to be a Godly young man and how to handle the obstacles of life. We both have been blessed with great teachers on how to be parents so hopefully we can do as good a job as they have. I wish I could keep him from ever falling down and skinning his knees, from getting teased at school, and getting his heart broken. I know those things will happen and he will be stronger because of them. I just hope that he will always know he can come to his mom and dad for anything and know how much he is loved.
One update on my side is I might be starting work soon! I am very reluctant to write that with an exclamation point though. I know I need to start working, and I know Brett will be thrilled for me to finally contribute to our finances! Although, I must admit I cried all day last week after I found out there was a potential job for me to start soon. Not because I don't want to work, but the thought of leaving him with strangers in a day care leaves a pit in my stomach right now. He has spent 99% of his life with me so far and I know he will be fine without me for a few days a week but part of me pictures him crying all day because he misses me and being mad at me when I pick him up in the evening. (I know that is silly and he won't really be "mad" at me or cry because he misses me all day, but I guess that is just the extra worry that goes along with being a mother.) So we will see what happens with this soon!
We are leaving in 2 days to go to Dallas with my parents for Campbell to meet his Uncle Slates and Aunt Whitney! He loves his carseat so hopefully the ride will be easy. After this trip the next time we see them I will have a sweet nephew, Slates junior! I can't wait! Brett is also going out of town and it will 9 days before we see him again. I am not looking forward to that at all! It is time for me to feed my sweet boy now. I will update on how the trip to Dallas goes next week!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I love my baby!

Things I love about my baby:
- I love his mohawk hairdo. It is always the first thing people comment on. It is precious. My little rock star!
- I love his toothless, exposed gums, mouth wide open smile. The most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
- I love his sweet voice. We spend lots of time every day laying beside each other both of us cooing back and forth. (I read to imitate the noises he makes to encourage him to "talk" to me. I know I sound silly but he doesn't mind)
- I love his frowny face. It is so funny when he makes the biggest frown right before he shows off his powerful lungs.
- I love his hairy wrinkly back and shoulders. Hence the picture above.
- I love how long his eyelashes have gotten. He had no trace of lashes when he was born, but I promise I can see them get longer each day.
- I love how hilarious he is when he is going #2. His face turns as red as a tomato and I can hear him grunt from the other end of the house. (Only his mom would think this is funny)
- I love taking naps with him laying on my chest.
- I love how I am the person that seems to calm him down quicker than any other person. Must be a mother's touch.
- I love seeing him with his daddy. He gets more kisses from his dad than I do now!
- I love how all his toes are so skinny except for his big toe seems really big compared to the others! He gets that from me unfortunately.
- I love how he stretches so big when he wakes up and arches his back into a backbend and wrinkles his forehead all up. We have got to get this on video. Priceless.
- I love how he seems the most content when he is naked. He could lay there all day on his changing pad in his birthday suit and be perfectly happy.
- I love how he floats in the bathtub. I hold his head when I bathe him and the rest of his body floats.
- I love everything about him! I could go on and on and on but I will stop for now :)

Where we come from...

Campbell has been able to meet lots of new friends and family lately! The first picture above includes 5 generations, not many people have a picture like that! The people in the picture are Campbell, myself, my mother (Grammy), my great uncle (Bebo, he is my grandmother's brother. She passed away 3 months before Campbell was born so Bebo is the link in chain for our 5 generations), and my 96 year old great-grandmother (Gigi). The second picture is of Campbell, Brett, Brett's father, and Brett's grandfather. He also got to meet my sweet friend Whitney and her mom! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family that loves us all so much! We have spent a lot of time with the grandparents lately which is wonderful help! The 3 of us went to Senatobia the weekend before last to spend the night while Gigi, and Davie Leigh were in town. Brett and I woke up Saturday morning and went to Oxford to spend the day. It is still hard to leave Campbell even when I know he is in good hands. I think about him constantly and wonder if he is missing me, I'm sure he is because I am his favorite person in the world :) While in Oxford we went to the basketball game, ate lunch at Ajax, had a drink at the library, and did a little shopping on the square. It was torture to be shopping on the square again! I still have a good ways to go to get my pre-pregnancy body back and seeing all those beautiful clothes was very depressing knowing that I can't wear them like I used to. But I am sooo determined to lose all this baby weight plus some! It will take hard work and time but it WILL happen, I keep telling myself that. We went this past weekend to Clarksdale because Brett was in a wedding. It was a really fun weekend! We had the rehearsal dinner on Friday night and stayed out a little too late. It is a mighty exhausting to stay out late and come home to stay awake with a crying baby. We can't complain about being tired though when we choose to stay out late! Brett and I went to the woods Saturday and rode the 4-wheeler. I think he really wanted me to go with him so I could throw the corn out though. Saturday night was the wedding and we went to Ground Zero afterwards for some dancing! Two fun weekends!!

Campbell is changing and growing up so fast! It makes me sad, he will be going off to college before we know it. I have taken him to the pediatrician almost every week he has been alive now. His doctor summed it up very nicely, he said "Parent and paranoid do begin with the same letters." I have definitely become paranoid since I have been a mother! Much more so than I have ever been about myself. Every time I have had a concern we go to the doctor to find out that everything is perfectly fine. Better safe than sorry! He is smiling and cooing and almost laughing a lot now. His voice is the sweetest sound ever. Brett swore he almost said a word the other night when he was up with him. That might have been Brett's lack of sleep talking. We have not been able to get on any sort of schedule whatsoever. Some nights he will sleep from 10-4, and some nights I don't get him to sleep until 5 in the morning. I want to be able to remember all of these precious memories we are making together. I can't believe he will be 2 months old already tomorrow!