Monday, May 24, 2010

The past month

Yet again, I have waited a whole month to make a new post! I have got to get better at this. I will try to sum up the past month as short as I can. May has been a fun month for us! We celebrated my first Mother's Day. It was such a special day for me. Being a mother has really made me realize and appreciate the true unconditional love my mother has for me that I now have for Campbell. Brett's parents spent the night with us and we went to church together and then ate a wonderful brunch at The Inn at Hunt Phelan. I highly recommend trying it sometime! The rest of the day was spent relaxing with my two boys. There is no place else I would rather be than spending time with Brett and Campbell. We celebrated my birthday the next week. We had a fabulous meal at The Melting Pot and went out afterwards for a little bit while my parents kept Campbell for us. As much as we love being home with our little boy, we thoroughly enjoy our nights out as well! Brett got me the best birthday cake from Miss Muff'n. It was delicious! But it wasn't too good for my weight watchers! Today is our 2 year anniversary. What a wonderful, crazy busy 2 years it has been! In this short time we have together survived nursing school, moved into a new house and made it a home to welcome our baby boy. God has truly blessed me way beyond what I deserve. We went to Arkansas this past weekend and stayed in a cabin in the woods on a river and had a fabulous relaxing fun weekend! It was hard being away from little bit for 3 nights though! It is amazing how I could see how he had changed in those 3 short days. He has gotten much stronger holding his head up, enjoys tummy time much more, he holds his bottle by himself, loves cereal, and looks like he's packed on some pounds too. He is almost 5 months old and already looks like a little boy instead of a baby. He giggled out loud for the first time last week. I had him in the baby bjorn while I trimmed a vine in our backyard and each time the leaves would fall in front of his face he would get really tickled and laugh out loud. It was so funny! As our busy month of May is quickly coming to an end, I am trying to soak in every minute of my last week as a stay at home mom. I start work next Tuesday and am not quite sure how I will survive this transition. I keep telling myself that this will probably be harder on me than Campbell. I hope that's true! I have barely put him down all day because I just want to hold him as much as I can. This pretty much sums up our May in a nutshell. I will try to do better about blogging sooner!

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