Sunday, April 25, 2010

Recent pics

He thinks it is so much fun to fly like Superman! We hold him up and call him Super Campbell and he smiles so big! You better watch out though. With that wide open mouth comes drool dripping down towards your face!

In his beautiful christening gown. The picture doesn't really do it justice. Brett said that's the only time I can put him in a dress.
My sweet family at the church for his baptism.

Campbell loved Easter! Not a good picture of me but it's funny of him!

Uncle Slates!

With his best friend the alligator. He will lay in his crib and just laugh, smile, and "talk" to it.

There were a few other things I meant to mention in my previous post. Campbell rolled over from his back to his stomach for the first time April 17 at 14 weeks old! He is constantly squirming now. He loves the television and will almost break his neck to look at it. I try not to let him too much. I don't want him to grow up addicted to television. He loves for us to play like we are eating his feet. He thinks it is too funny! He has gotten his first freckle, right above the left side of that sweet bottom. I don't think I ever mentioned his birthmark either. It is on the inside of his right calf. I noticed it the day he was born and it is still there. He still loves to suck his thumb and looks so sweet doing it. I am a little worried though how we will break him of it one day. He goes to the nursery at our gym every day while I exercise. The girls that keep the children say he is already a flirt! His little toes are so long that he can grip your finger with them! These are all little tid bits that I want to have written somewhere so I can look back and be reminded of what he was like at different stages of his life.


  1. He is precious!! I am so glad I got to see him in person at Double Decker!!

  2. just stumbled across your blog, campbell is sooo sweet!
