Sunday, April 25, 2010

Recent pics

He thinks it is so much fun to fly like Superman! We hold him up and call him Super Campbell and he smiles so big! You better watch out though. With that wide open mouth comes drool dripping down towards your face!

In his beautiful christening gown. The picture doesn't really do it justice. Brett said that's the only time I can put him in a dress.
My sweet family at the church for his baptism.

Campbell loved Easter! Not a good picture of me but it's funny of him!

Uncle Slates!

With his best friend the alligator. He will lay in his crib and just laugh, smile, and "talk" to it.

There were a few other things I meant to mention in my previous post. Campbell rolled over from his back to his stomach for the first time April 17 at 14 weeks old! He is constantly squirming now. He loves the television and will almost break his neck to look at it. I try not to let him too much. I don't want him to grow up addicted to television. He loves for us to play like we are eating his feet. He thinks it is too funny! He has gotten his first freckle, right above the left side of that sweet bottom. I don't think I ever mentioned his birthmark either. It is on the inside of his right calf. I noticed it the day he was born and it is still there. He still loves to suck his thumb and looks so sweet doing it. I am a little worried though how we will break him of it one day. He goes to the nursery at our gym every day while I exercise. The girls that keep the children say he is already a flirt! His little toes are so long that he can grip your finger with them! These are all little tid bits that I want to have written somewhere so I can look back and be reminded of what he was like at different stages of his life.

It's been toooo long!

It has been too long since my last post! Almost a month, and we have done quite a bit in this past month. I believe I left off in my last blog about our trip to Dallas we were about to take. Well it went wonderful! Campbell was great in the car, could not have been better. He slept the whole time except for when we stopped to eat lunch both ways and that is when we fed him, and we had to stop one time each way to change a diaper. He was pretty fussy the first night in Dallas. I think he was out of his element and a little worn out from the long drive. It was a great trip and made us all really excited for the upcoming arrival of Slates junior! Only 2 more months left! We spent a whole week in Senatobia with my parents while Brett was out of town working. It was so nice to spend that much time with them and I know they enjoyed seeing Campbell that much. We sure did miss Brett though! Campbell and I were so excited to see him when he finally got home. 9 nights away is way too long. We took Campbell to his first bonfire at the Boone's. He was an angel. He slept the entire time we were there. It was wonderful to see some friends I don't see very often! That was Easter weekend. We went to Clarksdale for Easter this year. After church we went to Brett's aunt's house where there were about 50 family members. Campbell was the main attraction and looked precious in his Easter outfit. The next weekend was a very special one, Campbell was baptized. We had around 30 family members come to be a part of this special day. I knew it was going to be a special day, but I didn't expect to be emotional. It made me feel like he is already growing up so fast! I have always thought that being a parent is the most important, rewarding, and challenging job a person can have. Listening to what all the priest said during the baptism about mine and Brett's duty to raise Campbell the way God would like for us to made me slightly panic inside. What have I ever done for God to have faith in me to raise one of his children? I feel so incredibly blessed that he did, though. I know I won't always know what the right thing to do is as a parent, but I do know I will try harder than I every have at anything else to not let God down. After the baptism everyone came over to our house to eat lunch. It was an all around wonderful day! About 2 1/2 weeks ago Campbell started sleeping from 10:00 pm until 7:00 am! My prayers were answered! He has done that pretty much every night since then except for when we have been out of town either in Senatobia or Clarksdale. He doesn't sleep well when he is not home and in his own bed. We went to Clarksdale for jazz fest and had a very fun weekend. We ended the weekend by going to Moon Lake Sunday afternoon with Brett's parents to grill burgers. Campbell enjoyed his first trip to the lake! I told him the story about that being where his Daddy asked his Mommy to marry him :) We took Campbell to his first Ole Miss baseball game at the Redbirds stadium in Memphis. He seemed to really enjoy it for a while. After being there for a couple of hours something happened in the game to cause the crowd to suddenly cheer very loudly and it terrified him. It was really pitiful! I have never seen him look so scared like that. So we called it a night at that point. I had my first girls night last week at a friends house for a pampered chef party. I really enjoyed spending the evening with a few girls and having a margarita! He was on my mind the whole time though, and I was very excited to see him when I got home. I think it is good for Brett and Campbell to have their alone time too. This past weekend we went to Senatobia to celebrate my dad's birthday. We had dinner at their house and then played a game of pictionary. I did not remember that game being so challenging at all! Saturday was supposed to be Double Decker in Oxford but it was rescheduled for Sunday due to bad weather. It stormed pretty bad the first part of Saturday but ended up being a beautiful day. Brett and I went to Oxford Saturday afternoon and went to the Ole Miss baseball game. My parents decided to bring Campbell to Oxford too so after the game we met them on the square. He looked so cute in his little outfit and matching hat! I wish I had taken a picture. We have got to get better about taking pictures when we are out places. Campbell actually had his first trip to the Library on the square! My parents took him by there to see some of their friends. They said he got quite a bit of attention from some of the college girls. Already a ladies man! My parents took him home and let Brett and me stay to enjoy a night out on the town. We had so much fun and it was great to be able to go out as a couple like that again. All new parents need to have a night to themselves every once in a while to keep their sanity. I felt like we had just started dating it was so exciting to be out together! We went back to Senatobia after being out on the square for a while. Campbell did not sleep good last night so I ended up sleeping with him on my chest in a recliner all night. I definitely didn't sleep as good as I would have in bed, but I so loved having him snuggled up to me all night. We took him back to Oxford today for Double Decker. It was a beautiful day! It was so fun to stroll my baby around and show him off :) I started weight watchers last week to help get off this last bit of pregnancy weight. I have been exercising really hard too so I am praying that I will be back to my "old" body before too long. We have a beach trip planned in June so hopefully I will be ready to get in a swimsuit by then. I am still waiting to hear something about the job I applied for. I have talked to them and they said they want me to come interview, but they haven't started the interviews yet so no clue when they will be calling. Good thing I'm not in a huge hurry to start working! I am cherishing each day I get to spend at home with Campbell. I know this won't last forever. He is getting the cutest personality. He has turned into such a happy baby, which we never thought would have happened during that first month or so. He has such a big smile and his big brown eyes squinch up just like mine do. I must say though, he is looking more like his dad each day. He has gotten to where when I hold him up against me on my shoulder he wraps his arms around my neck and it feels so wonderful to get that little hug from him. I can't wait until when he gives me a real hug and to hear that sweet voice say "I love you too Mommy." I wouldn't be surprised if his first words were "I love you," as much as I tell him that all day every day. I hear the little guy right now just waking up from a much needed nap. I'll try not to let my next post be so far from this one!